magnusarias wrote in
Feb 24, 2008 09:24
What are/wouldbe deal breakers in a relationship for you?
Things that would instantly send you walking by without another thought?
curious cub
magnusarias wrote in
Feb 10, 2008 18:14
So it's been a while since I've seen a post on here till today. So I think I'm going to start posing some questions again now that we have over 100 visitors!
Best Vacation?
I ask because I'm yearning for something different and I'm curious to hear other people's ideas of a good vacation (imaginary or one you really had).
curious cub
magnusarias wrote in
Jan 11, 2008 18:23
A Bear's Life Magazine seems to be the hot topic on my flist today, so I thought I'd bring it here:
It has been said to be a saving grace showing the masculine side of the gay community and others say it's nothing more than niche marketing and a waste of money.
I'm curious if anybody else has .02 to add?
curious cub
magnusarias wrote in
Dec 21, 2007 14:02
So I have several friends who fit the bear stereotype, and I know it's not a stereotype to just lay onto everybody, but whenever I make the joke, they get defensive about it. I'm curious why the bear label has such a horrible stigma attached to it from the rest of the gay community?
curious cub
magnusarias wrote in
Dec 16, 2007 09:11
Let me see, one that will make everybody cringe and laugh...
We all have those dates, hookups or whathaveyou that have somehow managed to go so wrong that you feel like you need to write a comedy sitcom. I'm curious, what's your most embarrassing date? Details please!
curious cub
magnusarias wrote in
Dec 13, 2007 14:45
Do any of you attend local bear/cub/chub/chaser/whathaveyou get togethers in your area? Are there even any? What do they do? Where are they?
I'm curious as to how bear groups cater to the bears!
curious cub